Author: Larry Hirsch

  • Fargo


    Fargo is such a fun-loving dude you can’t help but smile when you are with him. He enjoys all the enrichment we do in Sunday School and responds well to cues for treats. He has gone on a few adventures and been an excellent boy. He has a very cooperative play style and loves splashing…

  • Dolce and Luna

    Dolce and Luna

    Dolce is a sweet and loving 5-year old male cat that loves attention and cuddles. Luna is a sweet and shy 5-year old female cat. She grew up with her brother Dolce.

  • Caring for Your Canine Companion

    Throughout their lifetimes, dogs should receive regular veterinary care to prevent against any illnesses or diseases.  The following is a very general guideline to veterinary care for your dog; a specific care program for your dog should be discussed with your veterinarian to assess your dog’s specific needs. Puppy Care Beginning at 6-9 weeks of…

  • Caring for Your Feline Companion

    Throughout their lifetimes, cats should receive regular veterinary care to prevent against any illnesses or diseases.  The following is a very general guideline to veterinary care for your cat; a specific care program for your cat should be discussed with your veterinarian to assess your cat’s specific needs. Kitten Care Beginning at 6-9 weeks of…

  • Emergency Pet Preparedness

    An emergency situation can arise in the blink of an eye.  There are steps you can take to prepare your pet for an emergency beforehand, such as ensuring that your animal has a registered microchip, is licensed, spayed/neutered and current on vaccines. In addition, we advise pet owners to prepare a simple pet emergency kit…

  • Circuses

    The circus is coming to town this year, but before you decide to take your children or grandchildren to see the entertainment, read about what actually happens to these performance animals.  With your help, we can stop these animals’ suffering. Visit HSUS for more information on animals in circuses and join the ranks of cities…

  • Feral Cats

    Feral cats are the offspring of tame, homeless cats who were either lost, or more likely, abandoned. Growing up with little or no human contact, they are fearful of people. They are not wild animals, however, and depend upon humans for their survival; the commonly accepted belief that feral cats can survive by catching mice…

  • If You Love Your Cat, Please Don’t Declaw

    Paws Come with Claws: It’s One of Nature’s Laws Many cat owners who genuinely love their pets have no idea what declawing means to their animals. How important are a cat’s claws? Scratching is a natural behavior for cats.  Doing so removed the dead husks from their claws, marks territory, and stretches their muscles.  Similarly,…

  • Help! I’ve found kittens!

    Springtime marks the beginning of kitten season, when intact, outdoor female adult cats continually go through a heat cycle, giving birth to dozens of kittens before winter comes.  If you’ve found little kittens in your yard or nearby, it is important to know how best to handle this finding and insure a safe survival for…

  • Pet Insurance

    If something were to happen to your pet, do you know how you would cover the bill? No one likes to imagine their furry friend getting ill or having an accidental injury, but it happens, and it can be costly. An emergency vet visit can cost from hundreds to thousands of dollars. Pet insurance helps…