Cute kitten peering over blanket

Wish List

Thank you in advance for considering a kind donation like pet food, litter and other supplies via our Wish Lists’ below. This is an easy way to support our programs and enables us to focus more financial resources on animals. 

We accept donations of the below items for our programs:

  • New or opened but tightly sealed dry and wet dog and cat food within its freshness date
  • Kitty litter, specifically World’s Best Cat Litter (red bag for multi-cat use); you can find this on our Wish Lists above.
  • Nearly new and clean pet toys, beds, leashes and collars, including new and gently used clean and disinfected cat towers
  • Used volleyballs, basketballs, soccer and water polo balls
accepting and distributing donation food

Donation drop off: 9am-1pm, Monday-Friday. Email for more information.