Mint Chip

Male, 73 lbs, Husky, Alaskan / Malamute, Alaskan

Age, 1 year, 4 mos

Volunteers describe him as playful, happy and great on leash. Favorite things: play fetch and loves water. His play style is Rough & Rowdy: involving lots of physical play such as grabbing, holding, and tumbling. It is typically mutual and often noisy. Human analogy: wrestling or rough housing. Socially, he’s selective which means he can play with some dogs but not successfully with all dogs. He would do best in a home where he is the only object of his human’s affection.

Mint Chip is available for adoption with Northern California Sled Dog Rescue (NorSled). Learn about their adoption process and review more of his bio.

Mint Chip, playful medium sized husky
Mint Chip, beautiful medium sized husky