
Information, education and helpful links to assist you with everything from care and feeding, to medical and financial assistance, to rehoming.

Programa de asistencia para la reubicación (RAP)

A veces surgen situaciones que escapan a nuestro control y no podemos quedarnos con el perro o gato al que le habíamos prometido un hogar permanente. Si te encuentras en esta situación, conoce más sobre nuestro Programa de Asistencia para la Reubicación. …

Recursos de asistencia veterinaria y de emergencia

Find low-cost and affordably-priced veterinarians within East and West Contra Costa County who offer reasonably priced medical care. Also resources for financial assistance…

Abuse and Neglect

CCHS receives many inquiries on such cases for which we are able to answer questions and offer advice, however, in Contra Costa County, we do not have the jurisdiction to investigate and prosecute such cases.  To directly report a suspected case of animal abuse or neglect, you must contact your…