Autor: Larry Hirsch
Frankie is a labrador/border collie mix, approximately 2-½ years old and about 60 lbs. She is very smart, energetic, housebroken, has basic training and is food motivated. Bonus: she loves hiking, going to the beach or dog park, and long walks. Frankie is friendly and playful so when she comes across another dog, she tries…
Coordinadora de acogida de gatitos
El coordinador de crianza temporal de gatitos actúa como el principal punto de coordinación de CCHS para el programa de crianza temporal de gatitos, lo que incluye el apoyo fuera del horario laboral para los hogares de acogida temporal, el reclutamiento, la orientación y el entrenamiento para hogares de acogida temporal, la colocación de gatitos menores de edad en hogares de acogida temporal y el apoyo general en asociación con Contra Costa Animal Services (CCAS). El coordinador de crianza temporal de gatitos apoya al director de operaciones de animales con las siguientes tareas:
You will fall in love with Nutmeg. He is a 7-year old orange tabby with white accents, big sweet eyes, and a very unique and cute purr. He has a cat tree that he likes to sit in when he’s not sitting in your lap or near you. Nutmeg can be shy with strangers, but…
Spayed female, 2 years old, 51lbs. Zelda is such a fun, sweet girl who would literally be up for anything! She has no reaction to seeing other dogs while on leash, but definitely wants to greet every person. One of her ears has a mind of its own! Zelda is good on leash, doesn’t pull…
Gerente de Desarrollo y Marketing
El Gerente de Desarrollo y Marketing actúa como el representante principal del personal para respaldar e implementar una estrategia de recaudación de fondos y comunicaciones que involucra solicitudes por correo electrónico y correo postal, creación de material de marketing que resalta la misión de la organización, planificación de eventos, provisión de operaciones generales de desarrollo, incluida la gestión de información de donantes y procesamiento de donaciones; y gestión de voluntarios, incluido el reclutamiento, la capacitación y la administración.…
Stella would flourish in a quiet and loving household. A family with older children or teens who can gently interact with her and provide playtime (with toys!) would be perfect. Stella does not like dogs but has lived harmoniously with another cat (Kiki also for adoption on this site). She is also content receiving human…
Kiki is a stunning 15 year old, white cat with a gentle demeanor, with occasional playful moments, and a love for sunny spots. Despite her age, Kiki remains active and enjoys sitting in a sunny window, observing the neighborhood with quiet curiosity. She adores being petted and will happily curl up in your lap for…
Riley is a handsome two and half year old creamsicle kitty who loves to play and appreciates affection, especially on his head and chin. After a good round of play running through the house, he’s very likely to lay down next to you! This young dude has a sweet, lovable personality. He does get along…
Wendy & Tinkerbell
Wendy, Female, 4 years old. Tinkerbell, Female, 3 years old. Wendy and Tinkerbell, a stunning mother/daughter duo, are being fostered since their human passed away. Both are very bonded to each other as Tinkerbell (Tuxedo) has been with Wendy (gray shorthair) since birth! They even sleep together at night! Wendy is very curious; a loud…
Blue Heeler/Border Collie Mix, one year old, 33 lbs. Koda is the sweetest, most handsome, intelligent boy who loves to play, cuddle, and give you all his attention. Both of these breeds that make up this special guy are known for their instincts to “need a job”. He’s very active and would make a great…