
Male, 1 year old, 79lbs.

Gus is a joyful, fun-loving young guy! He’s a big, strong pup, but with a very sweet and often, gentle demeanor. He loves chasing balls, shaking the heck out of squeaky toys, and mostly  making new friends, both dog and human. Gus really enjoys treats but prefers  you don’t put them in a puzzle to make him work for them. Like all huskies he is full of energy and curiosity, but it’s also very polite and proud to show off how well he knows commands and manners.  And he is gorgeous!

Ver Gus’ full bio y/o visite Contra Costa Animal Services en 4800 Imhoff Place en Martinez durante el horario comercial para conocerlo. ¿Está interesado en completar un formulario? solicitud de adopción? Use his name and ID #, A1025977, in the appropriate field.